Tuesday, January 12, 2010

headaches, barfing, and Impetigo... not necessarily in that order.

So, my intention and plan was to run this Saturday either outside or at the gym. Well, Jude started barfing again and all hands needed to be on deck to try and keep the germs isolated to him. And I had a righteous headache and after being barfed on felt like barfing the rest of the day. Sunday was spent kiddo wrangling again. Yesterday, after resolving to go to the gym directly after work on M, W, and F's; we had to take Jonah to the on-call doc after work, where he was diagnosed with impetigo. Good times. Tonight, Jude has a haircut.
Tomorrow, I will go to the gym dammit!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

day 1

So I have the shoes and decided I have to start somewhere, so I went after work and "ran." Halfway through kinda sucked, but right now I feel surprisingly good. I need a stopwatch and a flashlight of some kind. Zoey was a great running companion. Lance told me that "it will get harder before it gets better." I need to come up with some ways to psych myself up to get through that. I kept telling myself, "remember what the people on the biggest loser were doing? You can do this and more."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

first motivating goal!

I saw an ad for a 5k run/1 mile walk/run the day after Thanksgiving aka Turkey Trot. Benefits Red Cross! I better get off the couch starting soon... like this weekend!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

thinking about & planning

A dream!
Interest in doing this!
Motivation to lose some of my fat bum
The "couch to 5k" guide from Runnersworld.com

Running Shoes
Super strength, industrial, cast iron sports bra to hold my lactating bosoms.

To Do's:
Buy shoes after the next paycheck!
Try out my old sports bra, maybe it will hold 'em better than I am thinking